Issue: 55, 3/30/23

Year: 2023



In an effort to evaluate the works on Turkish world under the scope of a periodical Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature was put into the publishing life in 1996 within the body of Turkish Language Institution.

The journal Turkish World has adopted itself the principle of publishing about every kind of scientific and literary issues devoted to collaborative research on the language, history and culture of the Turks dispersed on a large geography. Correspondingly, scientific researches and papers dealing with the history of the Turkish languages and dialects, their current issues, their works and literary persons enter into the coverage of the Journal. News and introductory articles about the common language, culture and art of the Turkish speaking world also take place in the Journal.


Being a peer-reviewed journal, Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature is published twice in a year as Spring (March) and Fall (September).

Scientific papers putting emphasis on the matters relating to Turkic literary languges/dialects, history of their literatures, actual issues, their literary works and personalities are included in the Journal.

Papers submitted to the journal so as to be published must not be published anywhere else previously and must not be in publication processes of any other journal in the same time. The proceedings and papers presented at congresses or conferences are taken in the agenda of the Journal only if they are brought in compliance with the publishing principles given hereby.

The main publishing language of the Journal is Turkey Turkish. Besides, the papers written in Turkic languages and dialects; in English, German, French and Russian are also allowed in the Journal.

In case of the language of the paper to be in any of contemporary Turkic languages or dialects, the order is arranged accordingly as to be given firstly the original title and abstract, secondly title and abstract in Turkish and thirdly the title and abstract in English.

Review Period

The papers should be submitted to the Journal through YAYSİS (Publication Tracking System) - Applications through mail or e-mail will not be taken into consideration.

In the Journal blind-review principle is applied. After having been reviewed in terms of compatibility with the publication principles, the papers submitted to the Journal are sent to two journal referees (the papers evaluated as inadmissible by the editor are not taken in this process). When the one referee is in the opinion that the paper can be published and the other is against, the paper is sent to a third referee. In this case the opinion of the third referee is determinant in whether the paper to be published or not.

The papers are directly transmitted to the referees through YAYSİS (Publication Tracking System) without making any changes on the original copy sent by the author. In order the author-referee confidentiality to be maintained, there should not be any information on the paper which may indicate the identity of the author.

Publication Process

The papers which have taken positive opinion from the referees are put on the agenda of the editorial board. The editorial board reserve the right to refuse a paper which has taken positive opinion. The legal liability of the paper and the urged opinions in the paper belong to the author himself.

The papers that the editorial board vote for publication are requested from their authors through e-mail. At this stage the author should apply his/her paper to the template which can be downloaded herefrom. The authors should give the contact information, ORCID number and “Name SURNAME” in the footnote.

In the papers evaluated as appropriate for publication by the editorial board, there should be and extended summary between 700-1000 words both in Turkish and English.

The abstracts between 200-250 words, the title and the keywords should be given at the first page of the paper both in Turkish and English.

The orthography (including the abbreviations) in the paper should be conformed with the spelling dictionary of the Turkish Language Institute.

The texts, photographs, tables and diagrams cannot be cited without giving reference.

The royalties to be paid to the authors for their papers published in the Journal are calculated and paid in the framework of the provisions of the relevant regulations.

The papers which has been published in the Journal are also electronically published on the “Yayınlar [=Publications]” panel at the webpage of Turkish Language Institution and at DergiPark of TUBİTAK/ULAKBİLİM (

Requested Page Layout Properties in the Papers Submitted to the Journal

The papers should be submitted to the Journal through YAYSİS (Publication Tracking System). The papers should be prepared in computer environment, in MS Word programme. Other than Times New Roman typeface, if in the paper there are non-standard fonts or fonts not available in MS Office, they should be also attached during the submission of the paper.

The abstract’s layout should be 2 centimetres left and right in margin, in 10 pt in size and with single spacing.

The paper should be prepared in MS Word software. The page layout should be as below:
- Main text size: 11 pt.
- Footnotes size: 9 pt.
- Paragraph spacing: 6nk.
- Top - bottom - right - left margins: 3 cm
- Line spacing: Single
- Paragraph indent: 0,6 cm

The citations shorter than five lines are given in inverted commas in the same paragraph; the ones longer than five lines or 40 words are given in a separate paragraph interlineally as a block with 1,25 centimetres left and right margins, single line spacing and in 10 pt size.

Footnotes should be used only to make explanations and should be given at the bottom of the page with numbering.

Sources that are referred are given at the end of the paper under a separate heading as “Kaynakça [=Bibliograhy]” with the gradation of the last names of the authors.

APA citation style is adopted in the Journal. Thus, the papers submitted to the Journal are required to fulfil this standard as below:




The paper subscriptions to the Journal that does not fulfil abovementioned criteria will not be put into evaluation.

Papers submitted to the journal so as to be published must not be published anywhere else previously and must not be in publication processes of any other journal in the same time. The proceedings and papers presented at congresses or conferences are taken in the agenda of the Journal only if they are brought in compliance with the publishing principles given hereby. The main publishing language of the Journal is Turkey Turkish. Besides, the papers

Papers submitted to the journal so as to be published must not be published anywhere else previously and must not be in publication processes of any other journal in the same time. The proceedings and papers presented at congresses or conferences are taken in the agenda of the Journal only if they are brought in compliance with the publishing principles given hereby.

Declaration of Publishing Ethics

All parties involving to publication processes (i.e. authors, editorial board and peers) have to make decisions accordingly to the ethical standards. The Journal, expecting all parties to comply with these standards, promotes the best standards for publishing ethics and makes provisions for publication malpractices as much as possible. As a publisher, the Journal takes its supervisory duty in serious to the utmost during the publication processes and accepts ethical and other responsibilities in advance falling to its own share.

International Standards for Authors

The Journal does not request a signed application from all authors of a single paper and does not impose peremptory applications on authors. All the papers submitted to the Journal to be published are expected to voluntarily comply with the international standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (see )

The authors have to certify the papers that they submit to be their genuine works. Plagiarism, fabrication, forgery, duplication, data falsification etc. are prohibited.

Authors should neither give any physical / legal harm to the participants of a research nor psychologically abuse them. Additionally, authors have to give guarantee to the participants of their researches the right of privacy and anonymity.

Authors should define the persons or institutions sponsoring their research.

Authors should assure that the papers they submit have not been published before and they are not under evaluation in any other journal.

Authors should be aware that all the references used in composing the paper are exactly given in the bibliography of the paper.

On realizing an important mistake or incorrectness in the paper published, the author has to immediately inform the editor / the publisher of the Journal and either withdraw the paper from the Journal or cooperate with the editor for correction.

The authors have to inform the Journal about any situation regarding conflict of interest or pool.

All the papers submitted to Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature are checked through utilities for plagiarism. The authors absolutely have to abstain from plagiarism, including even self-plagiarism. The papers in which similarity score, exempt bibliography of the paper in calculation, indicates over 18 percent resemblance are not put into evaluation. The program that the Journal make use of for similarity check is

The editor checks the papers/articles submitted to the Journal thoroughly in order to designate which papers/articles to be published or to prevent the ones with misconducts. If a paper/article is designated as malicious or containing misconduct, accordingly with the feedbacks from the editor and referees, the author is responsible for the withdrawal or correction of the paper/article.

International Standards for Editorial Board

Editors and members of editorial board should adhere to the international standards for editorial boards. The editor and the members of the editorial board of the Journal are expected to voluntarily comply with the international standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (see 

The editorial board has to keep all the data relating to the papers submitted as secret.

The editorial board is in charge of taking publication decisions about the papers submitted to the Journal.

The editorial board has to make efforts to meet the needs of the authors and readers.

The editorial board, also, has to make efforts to enhance and improve the quality of the Journal.

The editorial board has to put emphasis on scientific quality and genuineness to the utmost.

The editorial board has to be always ready for announcing corrections, explanations, withdrawals and apologies when required.

International Standards for Peers

On accepting the call from the Journal for peer review, the peers have to comply with the international peer review standards. All the peers selected to the Journal are expected to voluntarily comply with the international standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (see 

The peers have to keep the information relating the papers secret.

The peers have to present to the attention of the editorial board about each and every reason why a paper is rejected.

The peers have to review the papers scientifically.

The peers also have to review the papers objectively by criteria as originality, importance, appropriateness to their field of study.

In any case of dispute or conflict of interest, the peers have to inform the Journal about it.

Approval Policy

Author or authors have to adhere to the ethical and legal standards.

The participants of a research are to be informed with below mentioned conditions: 

The participants have to be informed that the study will be a research on them,

The participants have to be informed that the participation is voluntary; rejecting to be a participant or departing from the study at any time is not subject to fee or punishment,

The participants have to be informed about aim of the study and the procedure to be followed,

The participants have to be handed in contact information of the editor or the staff in order to get into touch when necessary,

The participants have to be informed beforehand about any potential risks or discomfort which may affect them when they agree to cooperate,

The participants attending the research have to be informed about the potential proximate benefits of participation (i.e. taking a copy of the whole or a part of the paper),

The participants have to be informed about how their anonymity will be maintained.

Please e-mail and notify us through once you come across unethical situations.

Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi'ne gönderilen makalelerden işleme ve yayın ücreti talep edilmemektedir.